Aya Universe
Hyper Space commissioned me to redesign the visuals for The Source, the origin room within the greater Aya Universe experience.

Located in Dubai, the Aya Universe Source is a vibrant mystical garden of meditative wonder and beauty. An ecological dream vision, that invites and captivates with an engaging cast of luminescent plant life and peaceful creatures.
The Source Interior
The interior design of The Source was a joy to design within. Mirrors and chrome structures created a hypnotizing labyrinth of reflective brilliance. The audience melting into the blissful calm of the flowing organics of luminescent beings.
I utilized Notch vfx to create a real-time ecosystem. Thousands of particles and blooming flowers ebbing and flowing through the cosmic currents.
- Thank you! -
Creative Direction, Art Direction, Design, Animation
Emmett Feldman
Technical Direction
Jim Ellis
Aya Universe